domingo, 7 de julio de 2024

ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinar: 17 Julio: Artificial Intelligence for process, risk and regulatory compliance discovery and improvement!



Artificial Intelligence for process, risk and regulatory compliance discovery and improvement!


July 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm CT 20:00  CET











You’ll learn how to use AI to:


  • Create detailed process maps
  • Gain process insights and improvement recommendations
  • Create process frameworks
  • Generate Role & Asset libraries
  • Build step-by-step work-instructions
  • Create regulations and policies based on compliance needs
  • Produce risk & control registries
  • Mine system database logs to visualize process flows
  • Convert text-based SOPs to process flows
  • Turn a whiteboard image into a digital process


Never map or analyze a process manually again!







About Scott Armstrong


Scott Armstrong is the CEO or Interfacing Technologies Corporation (, a company that provides AI Powered, Process driven Quality, Compliance & Continuous Improvement Automation solutions. He is an entrepreneur with a passion for high tech and has been the driving force behind Interfacing’s award-winning and Gartner® recognized leading digital twin solution. With over 20 years of experience in the BPM, QMS & GRC market space, and leading client engagements globally and across all industries, Scott has a deep understanding of complex management challenges, what works and what doesn’t, and innovative technologies to better utilize resource time, cut costs and maximize efficiency.



miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024

ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinar: 22 Mayo: BPMN 2.0 for Quality Managers and others

BPMN 2.0 for Quality Managers and others


May 22, 2024 at  20:00 CET








BPMN 2.0 has become the de facto standard for process modeling in recent years and is also listed as ISO standard 19510:2013. It not only offers a largely interpretation-free graphical representation of processes, but also offers the possibility of executability in order to automate processes directly based on models. At our educational webinar, our speaker Björn Richerzhagen will introduce the standard and highlight various application scenarios in quality management and beyond.


The participants learn the differences to other notations, recognize transition paths, and can estimate the potential of the BPMN 2.0 modeling language.


After the talk, Björn will be available to answer questions and discuss ideas.







About Björn Richerzhagen, B.B.A., MA.


Dipl-Wirtsch.-Inf. (FH) Björn Richerzhagen, B.B.A., MA., is managing director of MINAUTICS GmbH (, a BPM consultancy firm based in Berlin, Germany. As a trained businessman, business economist and business IT specialist, he is one of the most sought-after BPM experts in Europe. The BPM rationalist has been at the interface between specialist areas and technology for two decades now and sees himself as a translator between the worlds. As a BPM consultant and trainer, he is OCEB and CBPP certified and supports process initiatives at the company level as well as process automation projects as a workflow analyst. Björn has taken on the role of chairman of the ABPMP DACH Chapter (


viernes, 12 de abril de 2024

ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinar: 17 Abril: Process Risk & Performance Management – PRPM



Process Risk & Performance Management – PRPM ©


April 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm CT 20:00 CET








In the upcoming webinar, Meherban Faroogh will delve into his Process Risk & Performance Management (PRPM ©) methodology, inspired by COSO ERM principles. The session will focus on aligning process objectives and KPIs with strategic goals, assessing inherent risks, identifying key controls, and managing residual risks to achieve desired objectives. The participants will gain valuable insights into effectively integrating risk management into their BPM practices to enhance organizational performance and achieve strategic alignment.





About Dr Meherban Faroogh


With over two decades of expertise in finance, process, ERP implementation, business transformation, compliance, and change management, Meherban Faroogh steers organizations through transformative BPM implementations. As the founder of BPS Partners, he coaches client staff in BPM practices, ensuring these methodologies are woven into the organizational fabric for lasting impact. His strategic approach not only delves into process optimization and risk management but also champions a culture of continuous improvement. By documenting processes meticulously and establishing an effective process governance structure, Meherban ensures they serve as a foundation for standard work, from onboarding to training, enabling employees to perform work reliably, yet innovatively. This approach not only anchors the day-to-da y operations but also paves the way for creativity and continuous improvement within the organizational framework. These process maps become pivotal in saving time, effort, and resources across ERP implementations, business transformations, and other strategic endeavors, while embedding continuous improvement into the organization’s DNA.




viernes, 8 de marzo de 2024

ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinar: 20 Marzo: Process Standardization – Mastering the Journey towards the right Degree of Variation

Process Standardization – Mastering the Journey towards the right Degree of Variation

March 20, 2024 at 1:00 pm CT 7:00 PM CET 

Process standardization has become significant in today’s business environment. It prepares the way for efficient digitalization and the “Composable Enterprise”. But how far can we truly standardize business processes? What degree of variability is still required? What is a good and pragmatic approach to achieve the right standardization? These are questions discussed in this webinar. Appropriate process standardization has a significant impact on the performance of companies. It lays the foundation to achieve best value from digital transformation and helps to prepare for the Composable Enterprise. A systematic and pragmatic approach to standardize processes includes topics like identifying required context-driven variants and how to address effectively different aspects of a business process, such as organizational roles or enabling digital technologies. Levels of detail and abstraction of the standardization are defined based on the standardization goals. Effective process standardization leverages reference models as accelerator as wll as appropriately defined process governance to sustain the standardization results. Process modelling and mining applications become enablers of a successful standardization. The webinar illustrates findings using real live cases from financial firms as well as manufacturers companies.

  Key takeaways:

  •  Understand the Value of Business Process Standardization.
  • Identify how far process standardization can go in a specific business context.
  • A pragmatic and proven approach to realize appropriate standard processes.
  • Governance aspects to sustain standardization outcomes. 
  • Enabling techniques and tools that fuel fast and reliable results.

About Dr Mathias Kirchmer

Managing Director, Scheer Americas
Affiliated Faculty, University of Pennsylvania & Widener University

Dr. Kirchmer is an experienced practitioner and thought leader in the field of Business Process Management (BPM) and Digital Transformation. He is Managing Director of Scheer Americas, previously BPM-D US. He co-founded BPM-D, a consulting company focusing on performance improvements and appropriate digitalization by establishing and applying the discipline of BPM. Before he was Managing Director and Global Lead of BPM at Accenture, and CEO of the Americas and Japan of IDS Scheer, known for its process modelling software and process consulting.


Dr. Kirchmer has led numerous transformation and process improvement initiatives in various industries at clients around the world. He has published 11 books and over 150 articles. At the University of Pennsylvania and at Widener University he has served as affiliated faculty for over 20 years. He received a research and teaching fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024

Mantén tus credenciales BPM (consigue tus CEUs Online con los Webinars de ABPMP International)

 Consigue tus CEUs de manera online mediante:

 ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinars


Seminarios web educativos mensuales de ABPMP

ABPMP organiza seminarios web educativos mensuales en vivo el tercer miércoles de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. CT. Esté atento a los anuncios de las próximas oportunidades de seminarios web disponibles para los no miembros por $21. ¡Los seminarios web anteriores también se pueden comprar bajo pedido!

¡Aproveche los beneficios para miembros de ABPMP! ¡Los seminarios web educativos mensuales son GRATUITOS para los no miembros, tanto en vivo como bajo demanda!

Los seminarios web educativos cubren las 9 áreas de conocimiento del BPM CBOK.

Algunos seminarios web de muestra incluyen:

Navigating the Digital Transformation Journey |February 2024


Featured Speaker: Dr. Yvonne Lederer Antoncci and Dr. Afrooz Moatari-Kazerouni 


View this Webinar

Strategy Management with a Strategy Map and its Balanced Scorecard |January 2024


Featured Speaker: Gary Cokins


View this Webinar

Process Mapping in Visio: Tips & Tricks | November 2023


Featured Speaker: Meherban Faroogh


View this Webinar

  • All ABPMP Monthly Educational Webinars are FREE to ABPMP Members
  • Receive 1 CEU credit for each hour!


Browse Online Training Here

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024

ABPMP February Webinar disponible bajo demanda: "Navigating the Digital Transformation Journey: Sustainability Challenges for Organizations"


Si te has perdido el webinar de febrero organizado por ABPMP Internacional, "Navigating the Digital Transformation Journey: Sustainability Challenges for Organizations" (Navegando por el viaje de transformación digital: desafíos de sostenibilidad para las organizaciones), por Afrooz Moatari-Kazerouni, Ph.D., e Yvonne Lederer Antonucci, Ph.D., ahora está disponible bajo demanda.

 ¡Los seminarios web bajo demanda son GRATUITOS para los miembros de ABPMP y solo $ 21,00 para los no miembros!

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024

Prepara los exámenes de certificación BPM



Consigue un 70% descuento siendo siendo miembro de ABPMP International


Precio Miembro ABPMP International





Precio No Miembro




Para prepararse para el CBPA, el curso cubre cada una de las 9 áreas de conocimiento del BPM CBOK 4.0 y alinea cada área de conocimiento con el Marco del ciclo de vida de BPM para un enfoque metodológico de BPM. Cada sección del curso proporciona preguntas de prueba para comprobar su conocimiento del material. Para prepararse para el CBPP, el curso también incluye un estudio de caso integral que requiere que las personas apliquen sus conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia en BPM a un estudio de caso de tecnología empresarial de la vida real. Se colocan preguntas adicionales al final de cada sesión para aplicar lo aprendido en el curso y responder preguntas relacionadas con el estudio de caso.

Si se desease un curso a medida para empleados de una empresa en español, se puede contactar con y el Capítulo ABPMP Spain le puede proporcionar la formación.